Quantum Shift Healing & Breathwork

Module 1 -- Quantum Shift Healing
The Physics of Miracles-Bridging science & sprit
begins February 6, 2025

2 New Courses:
Discover the power of quantum consciousness
Become a Quantum Shift Healer/ Breathwork Facilitator

The Quantum Shift Breathwork process takes breathwork literally to a higher dimension.  This training is what sets it apart!  In Module 1 you will first  learn how to tap into and hold an  expanded state of  consciousness to bring through even greater and more powerful shifts—first in yourself and your own life, and then for your clients. In Module 2 we will delve deeply into all aspects of the breath journey experience, from setting a safe and sacred space to post journey support and processing, applying all the expanded understanding and healing techniques covered in Module 1.

Quantum Breath is the portal to higher consciousness

The Quantum Shift Breathwork Process was developed by Rev. Dr. Meredith Davis.  It has evolved over 15 years from her initial training in Shamanic Breathwork and her own research into the relationship between quantum physics, consciousness and healing.  She has combined what she has learned through her own healing journey and her 15 years of working with clients, to develop the Quantum Shift Healing and Breathwork Process.  

The entire breathwork certification program consists of 10 Online Training Sessions plus additional practice breathwork sessions.

A new training group will begin February 6, 2025

Scroll down for registration information

Module One--5 weeks
Quantum Shift Healing--Bridging Science & Spirit

Module 1 is a stand alone course in Quantum Consciousness in addition to being the first module of the Breathwork Practitioner Certification.

This course will shift and expand your own life and personal spiritual practice.

If you are a healing practitioner, massage therapist, counselor, coach, etc., this information will bring a whole new dimension to your work.

Module One, the Quantum Field trip, opens you to a whole new frame of reference for understanding how the Universe and reality work.  This will give you a whole new perspective on creating your reality, new ways of working with energy, of intention, moving beyond time and space to heal the past and the future and so much more.  

You can’t take your clients any farther than you have been–and this training takes you on a deep dive!!

The breathwork process is part art, part science and all magic!  And the key to unlocking all of that magic is not just learning the technique of the breathwork modality, but even more importantly, opening the consciousness of the facilitator to create and hold a big, clear, high vibrational space. It is in that space that profound, multi-dimensional miracles of healing and transformation can happen.

Here is some of what you will learn during Module One

      • Discover what Quantum Physics tells us about what reality is and how you can expand your view of your self and the world
      • Understand how you can hold a multi-layered, multi-dimensional space of healing for yourself and your clients
      • Learn and experience how the Quantum gives us ways to easily move, shift and dissolve energy blockages and deep subconscious programming
      • Awaken and expand clear channels of connection for yourself and your clients
      • Learn Quantum Energy healing and clearing techniques for yourself and others
      • Gain practical tools to keep your energy strong and clear
      • Be able to knowledgeably share with clients the science behind conscious breathing and how it is able to create change in body, mind and spirit
      • Learn how and why we create what we do in our lives
      • Discovering how principles of Quantum Physics apply to our lives and how to use them to set ourselves and our clients free
      • Apply Quantum principles to expand your awareness and open your clients to an even deeper and more powerful breathwork experience: The Quantum Breath

Module Two— The Quantum Shift Breathwork Process--5 weeks plus additional practice breathwork sessions

In Module Two we take all the Quantum Consciousness principles and delve deeply into all aspects of the breathwork journey experience, from setting a safe and sacred space to post journey support and processing.  At the end of this module, and our practice sessions,  you will feel confident in your ability to share this amazingly simple, yet powerful and profound healing experience with clients, friends and family.  

Here is some of what you will learn in Module Two

  • The Breath—how to breathe, how to take people into the breath 
  • The Music— Creating playlists for various moods 
  • The Body Work—moving energy in the body, releasing stuck energy 
  • The Energy work—Using the principles of Spiritual Physics, working with the chakras, learning to recognize what needs to be cleared, learning how to call in the team, working with the person’s Higher Self to guide the session
  • How to set up and conduct a session—practical information about the room, the journeying pallet, the energy in the room, running the session and more
  • How to explain the process to a client—gaining a good vocabulary to easily describe the process, demonstrate the breath, explain the protocol and more
  • Holding group sessions—exploring the difference between individual and group sessions.
  • Various breathing techniques—becoming familiar and conversant with various styles of breathing and how to work with them
  • Much more!!

In each 1 1/2 to 2 hour teaching session you will receive:

  • Teaching with extensive notes
  • Energy activation and upgrade
  • Practical and powerful energy shifting tools for every day use in your life
  • Homework practice and exercises to strengthen your new vibration
  • The video recording for review

Even more benefits:

  • You will experience deep  healing and transformation in all areas of your life
  • Your view of reality, and your conscious connection to Source will greatly expand
  • If you are already doing healing work, whatever modalities and practices you are currently using will become super-charged

Requirements for Full Certifcation as a Quantum Shift Breathwork and Healing Facilitator/Healer

  • Complete the 10 online sessions ( either live or via the recording)
  • Participate in at least 3 online class practice breathwork sessions—both as breather and as facilitator
  • Complete and document 10 practice sessions with friends/family
  • Agree to hold the highest ethical standards for your practice
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the Spiritual Physics, and the breathwork process, as well as an ability to hold space and work effectively with clients 

complete Breathwork practitioner certification Includes:

  • 10 online teaching sessions, including video replay
  • Online breathwork journeys
  • Resource materials for your own use and to use with clients
  • Online practice QS breathwork sessions, both as breather and as facilitator
  • 2 Music Playlists to get you started0

If the class is large enough, we will consider a 4 day Breathwork Intensive Retreat in Sedona  in Spring 2025. *


•  Live attendance in the teaching sessions is not necessary.  All teaching sessions will be recorded and sent out following the live class.

•  Barring any unforeseen emergencies, the sessions will be on 10 consecutive Thursdays.  We’ll be fitting in a few breath practice sessions along the way.

To Register for the full Breathwork Certification (both modules+follow up):

Venmo: $1895 to Meredith-Davis-40     
Zelle or Paypal: $1895 to meredithdavis1@gmail.com     

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in the Zoom Room 

To Register for the Quantum Consciousness course Module 1 only:

Venmo: $395 to Meredith-Davis-40     
Zelle or Paypal: $395 to meredithdavis1@gmail.com     

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in the Zoom Room 


*Retreat cost is separate from tuition

The Healing Is the Training and the Training is the Healing

I want those who carry the designation of “Certified Quantum Shift Breathwork Process Facilitator/Healer” to be not just facilitators, but clear and powerful healers, so in this training you will receive a lot of deep, cutting edge teaching and information that I call Spiritual Physics!

There’s a big part of this training that is beyond the physical/mental/linear.  It is more than training, it is sacred initiation into this role of healer and conduit for Divine Presence, for yourself and for others. 

Whether you are interested in learning this powerful healing modality to use professionally, for friends and family or just to deepen and expand your own experience,

this training will change you in deep and profound ways. By accessing quantum consciousness, you are able to move through layers of energetic programming quickly and thoroughly, facilitating rapid and clear shifts that affect all areas of life.